About us
We believe that God loves every person. We also understand that everybody is broken and has turned their back on God, both in big and small ways. However, God desires to restore our severed relationship with him and give us new life, now and forever. This new life is by God's grace and forgiveness alone, not by our own achievements. While there have been some disagreements in the Church over the last 2,000 years about non-essential beliefs, we believe a sincere profession of faith in our essential beliefs (below) offers salvation, freedom, joy, love, eternal life and so much more.
There is one eternal God, existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Father sent his Son Jesus to be born of a virgin, fully man and also fully God. He performed miracles, taught the godly life, lived it perfectly, and died without sin for the sins of humanity. His bodily resurrection conquered death and allowed those who believe in in Jesus' saving work to have eternal life by God's grace alone. After Jesus' ascension and return to the Father's right hand, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in all believers, empowering and guiding them in godly living and carrying out God's mission.
God desires for people to be restored and rescued from their brokenness. Jesus commissioned and empowered his followers, the Church, to share this good news with everyone and partner in God's redeeming work until he returns to earth where he will restore all of creation to its perfect glory.
OUTWARD OBSESSION: We constantly are moving outside our walls towards those who need love and care. We do that by living life selflessly with and for others.
REAL RELATIONSHIPS: People are the core of everything we do. We build relationships that change lives and eventually become close, lifelong friendships centered on Jesus.
MULTIPLICATION MINDSET: God's first mission was to multiply. We want to multiply all of our resources including leaders, churches, money, and more!
EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP: Jesus changed the world through leaders. We will develop and launch people into leadership at Converge and in their community spaces.
DEPENDENCE ON GOD: Everything Converge is and does has its foundation in God's grace, Jesus' saving power, and the Holy Spirit's guiding direction. We live for God by trusting and following him always.