Converge Community Leadership
Converge Community is blessed to have a staff and leadership team who are truly committed to loving God and loving others. Here are brief bio's of our staff. This church is committed to empowering leaders, so there are countless others not pictured who lead in significant ways to keep Converge Community moving on our mission.
Perhaps you would like to be a part of that leadership group... Then, don't hesitate to reach out so we can get to know you better.
Mitch Sheahan
Lead Pastor - Founding Pastor
Mitch and Mackenzie married shortly after college, moved to Turkey, and after a brief season there, they spent a decade in Mt. Pleasant growing their family, educations, and experiences in ministry. Their two kids, Kaley and Aiden, were born there too.
In 2016, Mitch and Mackenzie went on another big adventure and moved to West Michigan. Mackenzie completed a doctoral degree at WMU in educational leadership and special education. Mitch finished his Master of Divinity degree and ordination at Calvin Seminary. By the fall of 2019, they both completed their educational goals and were ready for the next step! Mitch then started the process to a launch a new church in southwest Michigan. They began meeting as a church launch team in January of 2020, and they have been on this adventure ever since!
Scott Blowers
Pastor of Prayer and Care
Scott grew up in the Kalamazoo area and he completed a BS Degree in Ministry Leadership through Cornerstone University in 2008. While attending the Bridge Church in Portage, Scott completed training with the Southwest Michigan RCA Classis, and became a Commissioned Pastor of Congregational Care at the Bridge and he served in that role for 5 years prior to coming to Converge. Scott has been married to his wife Polly for 37 years, and they have lived in the Milwood neighborhood since 2013. They have three adult children and one grandchild, and all live in the Kalamazoo area. Shortly after Converge Community moved to the Milwood location, Scott and Polly felt the calling to make Converge their church home. Scott is now serving as Pastor of Prayer and Care, and regularly plays bass guitar on the Worship Team.
Carter Heald
Worship Arts Director & Church Plant Resident
Carter grew up in the Grand Rapids area and came to Kalamazoo to pursue his degree in Multimedia Arts & Music Technology at Western Michigan University. During his time at WMU, his faith and leadership skills really grew. He has lead with other ministries, and has been with Converge since the beginning! He's a gifted musician, photographer, videographer, audio technician, and more! We are grateful to have his talent and leadership.
He is excited to pursue pastoral leadership and church planting. Carter and Miranda are excited to be church planters in the future!
Liz Ogreen
Converge Kids Director
Liz is a professional educator with a passion to help kids experience Jesus in real ways. She is also a mother of two kids and understands the importance of our church's role in helping families develop their kids’ faith in fun and practical ways. She has also been a part of several church plants and knows the unique building blocks required for getting a church started. When she is not leading at church, you will probably find her with friends and family enjoying one of her many hobbies outside. She also really loves to make time to get away and visit the mountains!
Liz has a Master's degree in curriculum development and is currently taking seminary courses to further her education in order to better support kids and adults at Converge.