The King We Need


worship services are on Sundays at 10:00am (Except Last Sunday of the month)

Mar. 09, 2025

In this message, we saw an overview of God’s story with Israel in the years between the Exodus and David’s anointing. We heard about the pattern that Israel was stuck in, in which they would live closely with God for awhile before disobeying and becoming like the other nations, only to be oppressed again and in need of rescue. They tire of this pattern and finally ask for a king. Although the kind of king they want isn’t God’s kind of king at all. God then blesses Israel with a king after his own heart in David. Before David’s death, God sends Nathan to bless David and promise him that the Kingdom of one of his descendants will last forever. That descendant is Jesus; the one who will finally be the king and savior that Israel could never be for themselves.