Covenant and Sacrifice


worship services are on Sundays at 10:00am (Except Last Sunday of the month)

Feb. 16, 2025

In the message, we heard about God’s plan to redeem the world through Abram’s family, and eventually a nation. In order to demonstrate that YHWH was the God most high, Abram’s people would be blessed by God and exemplify those blessings for all of the world to see. God’s mission to save humanity meant that the world first needed to know who he was, and he would use his people to help accomplish that. While there was an overt promise of land and prosperity from God, the promise of natural born descendants could only be implied at best. Abram probably thought this promise of descendants would occur through his household and relatives. However, God makes his promise clear in the following verses. Then we see his promise of land and offspring formally sealed in a covenant through a sacrifice.